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Evolution and 'Teaching the Controversey' 6/11/5

Re Conversations with Dave

Perhaps one ought to always keep an open mind. Drogan's Second Law says "When things are going really well you've probably missed something."

I once read a paper by an upstate (or is it upstart?) college professor who claimed there was no such thing as truth. I reminded him that the sun always rises in the east and have not heard from him since.

I close with

One of my Korean students has written: " As I am Korean, I am very shy, especially during class, only looking for right answers. In Korea class rooms, students only hear what professors teach, and even some students feel they have different ideas with professors' opinions (even I have never thought professors' teachings are wrong or something different with my idea), they never argue with professors. But here in the United States, there is no wrong answer. Even some one have different ideas or even these are not true, no one says that idea is wrong. In this reason, class rooms are alive (is it right expression?) and energetic."


"If stated reasons don't sit well with your conscience or stand the test of logic, look for deeper motivations." Docent Glax Othn

Inspirational dissatisfaction (from Bob Neuschel), healthy skepticism, and a tolerance for different views seems to me to be a good combination

Posted on Saturday, June 11, 2005 at 07:33AM by Registered CommenterJames Drogan | CommentsPost a Comment

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