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Preparing to Participate in Globalization

In my teaching I promote discussions of the inevitability of globalization.  If it is indeed inevitable, then the follow-on discussion needs to be about how one survives, thrives, and makes a difference.

From The Tom Peters Weblog comes Are We Ready?  The article questions, rightly I believe, whether Americans are properly preparing (for surely they are unprepared) to survive, thrive, and make a difference.

I try to do my part.  All my graduate classes include a module on global culture based on the results of Project GLOBE.  The discussions of how cultural characteristics color the views of issues and confine the range of solutions are (usually) the liveliest.   Another professor and I had a discussion regarding what and how we should be teaching culture in our institution.  Both of us agree that cultural understanding will increasingly be a critical success factor in careers.

Posted on Tuesday, May 3, 2005 at 08:02AM by Registered CommenterJames Drogan | CommentsPost a Comment

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