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Mary and I were in Gloucester last weekend.  On Sunday we attended services at St. John's Episcopal Church.  During the services St. John's recognized a number of people for their contribution to the church and for progress in their faith.

In the latter group were three young women who had recently been confirmed in the Episcopal Church.  One, Emma, gave the homily based, in part, on her experiences with the homeless in Boston.

Extraordinary insight delivered in an elegant way.  Emma calls upon all of us to listen to one another, to resist the opportunity to talk at and stare past others.  I've asked for a copy of her remarks.

Will she make a difference?  Well, I'm reminded of the story of the young boy and the starfish.  And she reminded me to pay better attention, to listen and hear, to understand, to practice tolerance, to accept and, ultimately, to work in a more positive way for the common good.

Emma needs to be heard by many.

Posted on Tuesday, May 10, 2005 at 09:10PM by Registered CommenterJames Drogan | CommentsPost a Comment

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