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Technology: A Friend or a Foe? Part V – In Memoriam...

Anya Sobodinska has written a interetsing five part series on the question of Technology: A Friend or a Foe? The fifth part can be found here and you can find your way to the other parts.

After having read all five parts I commented that

Technology, like just about everything else in life, except perhaps love, should not cause paranoia, but should raise in us prudence. Technology will be whatever we allow it to be.


I think it possible to rely too much on technology. I think this comes about for two reasons. The first is laziness. The second, and perhaps more insidious, is the use of technology as a buffer against taking responsibility. How often have we heard things like, "Well, I sent you an e-mail." Or, if you are a teacher, "My computer crashed."

We should be wary of making machines accountable.


I'm emboldened by this to believe that man can continue to master machine. The fundamental principles upon which I believe a good life is built -- integrity, intellect, energy, and imagination -- are, for the most part (I find myself hedging my bets more than I used to), reserved to the carbon-based life forms.

and finally

I'll end with a line that promotes taking responsibility for an informed view of the world.

"If stated reasons don't sit well with your conscience or stand the test of logic, look for deeper motivations." Docent Glax Othn

Take a look an Anya's article.

Posted on Sunday, May 1, 2005 at 07:35AM by Registered CommenterJames Drogan | CommentsPost a Comment

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