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Political Economy of Drug Mfg

Re: Conversations with Dave

Regarding ",,,large body of exchanges that are rather deep, provocative and potentially powerful." I have,over the time of our conversations, occasionally published my part in droganbloggin. I had, of course, no business publishing anything from you. Perhaps half a conversation is better than none, but the whole conversations would be better.

This leads me to the following conclusion. You have numerous conversations on numerous topics with all sorts of interesting people. I suspect you have archived most (all?) of these. Perhaps you should consider editing and publishing your collections. Conversations on a Number of Themes is a title that comes to mind. I could see that something like this would be handy in the classroom.

Posted on Sunday, December 4, 2005 at 08:57AM by Registered CommenterJames Drogan | CommentsPost a Comment

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