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Global Higher Ed and the VStack

Re: Conversations with Dave

For some time I've been holding forth that the important issues and objectives are:

  1. Education: Lift the level of learning of primary and secondary students, and prompt increased college enrollments.
  2. Health: Improve the health of Americans, then deal with the issues of the cost of healthcare.
  3. Economy: Reduce the deficit through a reduction in federal spending. Improve the personal savings rate.
  4. Security: Develop sufficient capacity to deter and, if necessary, defeat threats to American interests at home and abroad.
  5. International Relationships: Be recognized around the world as an example of ethical and economic leadership.

The sequence is deliberate.

Now I'm not as learned in these subjects as most of you and the representation may seem a bit naive, but the list seems to somewhat align with Farrell.

To wit, the foundation (education) is the basis for all else. I've been corresponding with a graduate of our BS program who can seem to get her mind around the difference between "patience" and "patients." What's going on here?

Well, we know the answer and it's not to be found in No Child Left Behind. Testing is no substitute for teaching. Schoolboards and teachers' unions are no substitute for involvement by the parents and the community at large. Pretty buildings are no substitute for adequate course materials. Gifts and endowments are no substitute for gifted and engaged teachers.

We are letting our seed corn rot on the ground.

Posted on Sunday, December 4, 2005 at 09:08AM by Registered CommenterJames Drogan | CommentsPost a Comment

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