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Ducks in a Row

Re: Conversations with Dave

Some comments on Ducks in a Row By RAYMOND SOKOLOV in the October 10, 2005 issues of the Wall Street Journal.

Now that I have read this, I'm glad it didn't catch my eye during my morning read of the paper. Nonetheless, I read it anyway, didn't I?

Ah, well, perhaps this is an attempt by one of the bastions of MSM to bolster readership through the introduction of humor to a generally satirical and occasionally informative page.

Or, perhaps, editorial standards have slipped.

Or, perhaps, it is a demonstration of what could happen if editorial standards slipped.

Or, perhaps, space needed to be filled.

Or, perhaps, it is a suggestion that members of the party in power are beginning to recover from group think.

Or, perhaps, it is an opportunity taken by the author to shill his cook book.

Who knows? Who cares?

Dave generated a reply to which I retorted.

Actually, I thought the satirical cynical thread I wove was woven quite well.

My real point is in "Or, perhaps, it is a suggestion that members of the party in power are beginning to recover from group think."

This recovery, I suspect, is driven by the trends in the polls. At the end of the day it's all about Maslow's Hierarchy and the desperate avoidance of meaningful work.

The logic behind Meirs absolutely escapes me except as a stratagem to deflect attention from other, perhaps more meaningful, issues. Desperate times give rise to desperate measures. Or maybe this is all a modern Madness of King George.

I presume you mean "pun" as short for "punishing."

And Columbus Day is a day of rest at my fine institution. Hence, the rumination you have been experiencing. 

Posted on Sunday, December 4, 2005 at 08:48AM by Registered CommenterJames Drogan | CommentsPost a Comment

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