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The Student Posts and The Teacher Responds


"Don't mistake this for me cozying up to you, but I wanted to give you two bits of feedback. Okay, three.

One, I went to business school and have friends in consulting. I realized through this course what consulting - be it management, IT, marketing - really is. I think thats cool. I got something from that.

Two, Project Globe is probably the best thing I've ever read in grad school. Thanks for sharing it with us. Its valuable. It also ties into another observation. You and I have discussed my disdain for the group work associated with this degree program. I rescind those statements. It was the best part. The more inept my team members are, the better; oddly enough.

Three, this was a good course.

I still have a lot of work left to do before I log off for the last time but I wanted to mention those things before I forget."


"I am susceptible to seduction, but the source has to be qualified. There are only seven people and two dogs on this planet who are so qualified. You are not, as you might have already surmised, a member of this group.

Your comments are appreciated. They suggest that there are things that I do correctly; that I can make a difference, however small. They help fill a need.

What concerns me is that far too few of us have the willingness and courage to give and receive compliments and constructive criticism without feeling that there is either some hidden agenda or that we need to justify our actions.

Finally, I am pleased that we have developed the sort of relationship that allows for an interchange like this.

Thanks and I look forward to seeing the work you have left to do."

Posted on Wednesday, October 5, 2005 at 03:30PM by Registered CommenterJames Drogan | CommentsPost a Comment

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