Lecture Notes: Transportation Systems

The latest syllabus for this course can be found on What I am Teaching

Catalog Description

An overview of various modes of water-borne, ground and air transportation including their operation, design and economic characteristics; the role of transportation in industry and society; demand and supply modeling; equilibrium network flows; costing; short and long term planning; and government policy and regulation .


Coyle, J. J., Novack, R. A., Gibson, B., & Bardi, E. J. (2010). Transportation: A Supply Chain Perspective (7e.). South-Western Cengage Learning. ISBN 0-324-78919-X.

Lecture Notes and Whiteboards

Lecture notes and whiteboards are grouped by module



GBTT 251-1 Introduction to Transportation Systems and the Course 8-31-10 (class note)

GBTT 251-1 Introduction to Transportation Systems and the Course (presentation)

GBTT 251-1 Whiteboard 8-31-10

GBTT 251 M1 Transportation as a Derived Demand 9-2-10 (class note)

GBTT 251-1 Whiteboard 9-2-10

M2: Motor Carriers

GBTT 251-1 M2 Motor Carriers (class note)

GBTT 251-1 M2 Motor Carriers (presentation)

GBTT 251-1 Whiteboard 9-14-10

M3: Railroads

GBTT 251-1 M3 Railroads (class note)

GBTT 251-1 M3 Railroads (presentation)

GBTT 251-1 Whiteboard 9-21-10

M4: Maritime

GBTT 251-1 M4 Maritime (class note)

GBTT 251-1 M4 Maritime (presentation)

GBTT 251-1 Whiteboard 9-28-10

M5: Networks

GBTT 251-1 M5 Networks (class note)

GBTT 251-1 M5 Networks (presentation)

M6: Intermodal

GBTT 251-1 M6 Intermodal (class note)

GBTT 251-1 M6 Intermodal (presentation)

GBTT 251-1 Whiteboard 10-12-10

M7: Design Issues

GBTT 251-1 M7 Design Isues (class note)

GBTT 251-1 M7 Design Issues (presentation)

GBTT 251-1 Whiteboard 10-19-10

M8: Management and Control

GBTT 251-1 M8 Management and Control (class note)

GBTT 251-1 M8 Management and Control (presentation)

GBTT 251-1 Whiteboard 10-21-10

M9: Logistics and Supply Chains

GBTT 251-1 M9 Logistics and Supply Chains (class note)

GBTT 251-1 M9 Logistics and Supply Chains (presentation)

GBTT 251-1 Whiteboard 11-2-10

M10: The Context of Interest

GBTT 251-1 M10 The Context of Interest (class note)

GBTT 251-1 M10 The Context of Interest (presentation)

GBTT 251-1 Final Examination

M11: Global Intermodal Freight Transportation

GBTT 251-1 M11 Global Intermodal Freight Transport (class note)

GBTT 251-1 M11 Global Intermodal Freight Transportation (presentation)

M12: The Effects of Culture and Ethics

GBTT 251-1 M12 The Effects of Culture and Ethics (class note)

GBTT 251-1 M12 The Effects of Culture and Ethics (presentation)

GBTT 251-1 Whiteboard 11-30-10

Cultural Dimensions

Cultural Dimensions provides guidance on where to find the definition of the nine cultural dimensions of Javidan and House.

M13: The Future: Intelligent Transportation Systems

GBTT 251-1 M13 The Future: Intelligent Transportation Systems (class note)

GBTT 251-1 M13 The Future: Intelligent Transportation Systems (presentation)

Review for the Final

GBTT 251-1 A Review of Key Points

* Whiteboards are images of the work done in class on the whiteboard.